Handmade Collectibles

As someone who’s been a collector their whole life, I’ve learned that some of the best collectibles are those that are made by hand. Not something that comes out of a factory and is sold to the masses, but a one-of-a-kind piece that was made with pride.

I do a lot of crafting myself and have created some very unique pieces. I’ve never sold any of my work, but I’ve given a lot of it away and made a few people very happy. I get a lot of my ideas from sites such as Pinterest. You can find just about anything you can think of on that site. I’ve found ideas for crochet patterns, quilt blocks, papier mache’, and a lot more.

Think about the last time you added to your own collection. Did you buy it from a retail shop? Was it a gift from a friend or loved one? Or did you happen to find it at a flea market or yard sale? Sometimes, those are the best finds. My mother used to collect teapots. I found a beautiful silver tea set at a flea market for about $20. It was one of my mother’s prized possessions until she passed.

I have a shop on Etsy and though I’ve never made a sale to date, I still love it there simply for the fact that it’s all about the things we make that we hope others will love. I’ve found some very cool things on Etsy and it boggles my mind just how talented some people can be.

I collect vintage stuff. And yes, I mean junk. Well, some people see it as junk. I see it as a window to the past. I have vintage beverage bottles, perfume bottles, books, coffee mugs, odd knickknacks, and a ton more. I can’t buy pieces for my collection at a local retailers. I always find my stuff at yard sales or second-hand stores.

However, I do purchase things with a vintage feel for them, if they’re handmade. I’m a sucker for a crocheted blanket or a handmade keychain. I love that stuff. And there are a lot of people out there who still make those kinds of things. Jump on Etsy or Shopify and you’ll find hundreds of people who create amazing works of art that would fit nicely with your collection.

A really good place to find unique pieces for your collections is at craft fairs. Crafters come together to show off their talents and hopefully make a little money to keep them going. If you’re a crafter, you know what it takes to put those pieces together. It takes money, but it also takes time, and sometimes that’s more valuable.

When you’re looking to add to your collection, whatever you collect, think about getting something handmade. You’ll add a one-of-a-kind piece to your collection and help out a like-minded individual. Let your collection stand out with a few pieces of handmade collectibles.


Christine Graves is an avid collector of vintage collectibles and a crafter of many different talents. She is a crocheter, a paper artist, and a published writer. You can see some of her writings here.

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