Adding a New Piece to My Antique Book Collection

Though I’ve been known to collect a lot of off-the-wall things over the years, I do have a strange affinity for vintage and antique books. Now, I’m not talking about rare, first-edition classics, though that would be cool. I’m talking about your typical run-of-the-mill books that were published before the 1950s.

I grew up in the 70s and books from that time still seem “modern” to me. However, those older books, especially the ones from before 1950, just have a feel about them. I can’t explain it, but there’s something about running my fingers across a vintage book cover that gives me goosebumps.

Our local library had its annual “Friends of the Library” sale this past weekend. It’s their way of thinning out their extensive collection of books (most of which are donated) and bringing in some extra funds for other projects. The sale lasted from Friday through Sunday and I was shocked at the sheer number of books they had to offer.

On Friday, the sale was only for “Friends of the Library” members only. I’m not a member, so I have no idea what I missed out on. Saturday’s sale was for the public and offered large hardcovers for $2, small hardcovers for $1, and paperbacks for $0.50. I knew that would get me in a lot of trouble, so I waited for Sunday.

Sunday’s sale was the one I’d been waiting for. It was a fill-a-bag-for-a-buck day. Well, I didn’t fill a bag, I filled a box. Between my granddaughter and I, we had an entire box of hardbound books. I wasn’t sure what it was going to cost for the whole box, but I was ready. However, it still only cost me a dollar. And the kicker? I ended up with a copy of a Nebraska Blue Book 1932. Oh me, oh my.

Though I am a history fanatic, who was sitting on the Nebraska legislature in 1932 isn’t something I’d get all giddy about. However, finding a book published in that year that was still in very good condition made my day. And I paid next to nothing for it. Jackpot!

I know there’s a market for antique books, but nothing in my collection would be worth putting up for auction. I don’t collect my books hoping to make money off of them. For me, it’s the idea of owning something that is almost a hundred years old. I have one book in my collection that was published in 1914 and is still in very good condition.

I have no problem with those who collect in hopes of selling their collection for a profit at some point. Personally, I get too emotionally attached to my things and can’t seem to part with them. At least not until I find something else to collect. However, my vintage and antique books are probably not something I’ll ever part with. Now, I just have to convince my children not to throw them in the dumpster when I’m gone. Wish me luck.

Until next time,
Happy Collecting!!!

Christine Graves has been an avid collector for most of her life. She currently collects vintage country kitchen items, off-the-wall trinkets, and old books. She is a copywriter and published author. You can find most of her work on or find her longer works on her Amazon Author’s Page.

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